Intel's Galileo mk1: A Maker's and Teacher's Review
Jan Borchers
2014-08-06 21:52:09 UTC
Hi all,

when we got our first Galileo boards back in January, I wrote a review of the board from my perspective as a teacher and maker. It was originally in German, and recent discussions at Sketching triggered me to translate it to English. I am sure that some of the issues I came across have been addressed since, and would love to hear about it. I'm also looking forward to see how the Galileo 2 improved in these respects.

Happy hacking,

- Jan


Prof. Dr. Jan Borchers Phone +49-241-80-21051
Media Computing Group Fax +49-241-80-22050
RWTH Aachen University borchers-***@public.gmane.org
52056 Aachen, Germany http://hci.rwth-aachen.de/
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